types of counselling

Bereavement Counselling

Did you know that bereavement counselling is not just about the death of a person.

There are in fact many different ways a person may feel Bereavement or loss this may include;

End of a friendship

Loss of job

Changes This may include moving house/job

Life style changes Being rich to poor, poor to rich, Age, changes in Independence, Health changes, Mobility, Public eye, Sport icon, Fame, Learning needs.

Loss of identity A person may experience this at Retirement, no longer Caring for kids or spouse/friend, loss of job and even a Disability. The reason this feeling covers many areas is due to it relating to any thing that impacts a persons way of living or routine.

Disability The important part of this feeling is a persons reflection on who they were and who they are now. It can be incredibly difficult to accept the changes or understand who they see in the mirror or how to push forward needing or accepting support.

Parental Alienation A person has been separated from kids or family.

Convictions People coming out or going into prison or even the family and friends of this person.

Family/Friends or 3rd parties This is where the people around a person feel a Loss or Bereavement of the person. It's incredibly hard for people who care to watch or be around a person in need and be strong, this is where the family, friends, carers, kids or any 3rd parties also need to have counselling.

Mental Health Counselling

This type of counselling covers a wide range of mental health




Self harm





Pain management





As very common Mental Health conditions there are many ways to help understand them. Why you have them, and how to live with them comfortably. Many people live their lives and are able to manage their condition very well but there are occasions that for some reason this isn't working. This is where together we can explore what is at the source, many occasions people don't realize they may have left something out that they normally don't over look in there condition ie Diet, Sleep, Over working, Rest.

Learning Disability

Working with vulnerable people or people with learning difficulties is very important. A person may not even know they have a condition.

I want to stress I will not work out of My proficiency or work unsafely or unethically. Clients will be assessed and can discuss if they can work with me or feel comfortable too.

It takes a great deal of understanding, patience and time when working with people with Autism, ADHD or any part of the spectrum. Understanding how a person will answer a question, understand a question, their feelings changing, making eye contact, or being heard.

Understanding that a person may have to tell you a whole story to explain their point, deflections and movements.

Counselling for blind or deaf. ( Unfortunately I don't offer sign language counselling)

It's also important to make clear that this counseling is also for people who live or care for people with learning difficulties and have support or a place to talk about it.

Physical Disability

A Physical disability is very difficult to live with or accept a person will experience many different emotions

Loss of identity

Body dysmorphia







As if they are a burden

Difficultly accepting help or support



Carers Counselling

Being a carer if its your job of family member, friend, neighbour, outsider it can be a challenging role and we offer support and a place for cares to offload or discuss their feelings or emotions.

Parental Alienation

A person may experience this being apart from their children or a difficult breakup.

Injuries and Pain management
